Barb Hyman news

Chat-based interviews preferred over video: survey

Chat-based interviews preferred over video: survey

Survey shows differences by gender with interview format

Could your AI recruitment tool be biased?

Could your AI recruitment tool be biased?

'It all comes down to what data are you relying on,' says expert

Exploring the rise of AI in recruitment

Exploring the rise of AI in recruitment

'The biggest challenge we face is fear'

The HRD MBA Guide 2017: Switching (career) gears

The HRD MBA Guide 2017: Switching (career) gears

They say that a change is as good as a holiday – perhaps it’s time to apply that logic to your career? The answer may be postgraduate study, of which the shining jewel remains the MBA

How one woman used diversity and risk to her advantage

Throughout her career, one HR expert has found what lies on the other side of risk is not failure, but experience